by Jenneffer | Apr 10, 2016 | antibiotic resistance, antibiotics, bacteria, bacterial, infection, patient, physician, podcast, podiatrist, podiatry, prevention, wellness, wound, wound care
This is dedicated to my Grandmother Evelyn Trache, she passed away a few years ago at the age of 95. Her life and spirit were inspiring for me, so this series is dedicated to her. So join in with the discussions. PODIATRY DOC TALK ...
by Jenneffer | Jan 17, 2016 | diabetes, foot screen, leg, neuropathy, PAD, patient, podiatrist, podiatry
We treat the legs, ankles, and feet. Here is a quick list of common problems that we want you to know so that you can get back on track to healthy toes, feet, ankles, & legs.Dr. Pulapaka gave a lecture recently at the DeLand Public Library on...
by Jenneffer | Dec 30, 2015 | Food, meals, nutrition, patient, wellness, wound, wound care
Nutrition is important, especially when you have a wound. As you get older, maintaining a good nutritional standard can be hard. Therefore, here are five tips to promote healing when your body needs it.Your first priority is to eat sufficient calories from a balanced...
by Jenneffer | Dec 1, 2015 | ankle, feet, patient, physician, podiatrist, podiatry
TALAR DOME INJURYIs there chronic ankle pain after a bad sprain? It could be a chip in the joint. These fractures usually occur as a result of an ankle injury or an ankle sprain. Sadly, this injury is not usually appreciated on plain x rays,...
by Jenneffer | Oct 4, 2015 | barefoot, blister, infection, medical history, medications, neuropathy, PAD, patient, physician, podiatrist, podiatry, wellness, wound, wound care
What is an ANNUAL FOOT SCREEN?Your annual foot screen is a comprehensive exam in which your doctor and their team update/overhaul your chart, check your Medicare compliance, and perform simple & basic tests to the lower extremity as part of her Lower Extremity...
by Jenneffer | Jun 28, 2015 | lies, medical history, medications, outcomes, patient, physician, wellness
“Risk?” Yes, patients place themselves at risk daily by lying about their medical history with their doctors. And what is a lie you ask?Definition in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary LieSyllabification: liePronunciation: /lī/ noun1. An...