by Jenneffer | Oct 4, 2015 | barefoot, blister, infection, medical history, medications, neuropathy, PAD, patient, physician, podiatrist, podiatry, wellness, wound, wound care
What is an ANNUAL FOOT SCREEN?Your annual foot screen is a comprehensive exam in which your doctor and their team update/overhaul your chart, check your Medicare compliance, and perform simple & basic tests to the lower extremity as part of her Lower Extremity...
by Jenneffer | Jul 21, 2015 | barefoot, charity, feet, flip-flops, shoes, soles, souls, wellness
Yesterday, Deland Foot & Leg Center collected and delivered 1404 pairs of shoes to Soles4Souls. Working together with Cress Restaurant and Buster’s Bistro, two additional drop off locations, we maximized the number of shoes collected. The shoe...