Our Blog

About Dr. Jenneffer Pulapaka and DeLand Foot & Leg Center
Welcome!DeLand Foot & Leg Center: Redefining Foot & Overall Health with Dr. Jenneffer...
Dive into Adventure at Volusia County Library!
Dive into Adventure at Volusia County Library! Fun Activities + Happy Feet with Deland Foot & Leg CenterDeland Foot and Leg Center is thrilled to announce a partnership with the Volusia County Library to bring you a calendar bursting with fun activities this...
Annual Foot Screen
What is ANNUAL FOOT SCREEN?Your annual foot screen is a comprehensive exam in which Dr. Pulapaka and her team update/overhaul your chart, check your Medicare compliance, and perform simple & basic tests to the lower extremity as part of her Lower Extremity...
Diabetic Foot Care
The importance of diabetic foot care and some Do’s & Don’ts.Washing your feet with warm or tepid water and soap every day keeps them clean and gives you a good chance to do that daily inspection.Applying a moisturizing lotion to your feet once or twice a day can...
Heel pain – plantar fasciitis
PLANTAR FASCIITISAnatomy - The plantar fascia is made up of 3 distinct parts: the medial, central, and lateral bands on the bottom of the foot.There are many treatment options when patient experience heel pain.Rest and activity modification, although helpful may not...
Antibiotic Resistance
This is dedicated to my Grandmother Evelyn Trache, she passed away a few years ago at the age of 95. Her life and spirit were inspiring for me, so this series is dedicated to her. So join in with the discussions. PODIATRY DOC TALK ...
Podiatry DocTalk Trailer Save the Date – April 10, 2016
Podiatry DocTalk Trailer Save the Date - April 10, 2016 Launching April 10, 2016"Regain your health with quick and ingenious tips & chats so you can be stronger and healthy. I’m here making complex foot & ankle problems sensible and simple".Podiatry...
DocTalk Trailer
Save the Date - April 10, 2016 Check out this episode!