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Hey MAC, you are not an innocent bystander
Check out this 4min read on Association for the Advancement of Wound Care !...

Obesity and Podiatry
Foods to Eat to Reduce Plantar Fasciitis Pain, According to a Doctor Karen Asp Updated: October 10, 2022 Reviewed By: Lucy Danziger Read More: Can Certain Foods Help Plantar Fasciitis Pain? | The Beet | Studies show that certain foods like red meat...
The war on fungal and bacterial infections
Some new technology may be in your future against the bug battle. Smart socks are on the way, a company called Cupron, Inc. has developed a way of embedding a copper-oxide compound in polyester fibers, and has created a line of socks called PRO Therapy...
Nutrition and your health
Put Cilantro on the list. According othe Eat This!, "this herb works overtime for your body: Despite its low calorie count, it's filled with good-for-you nutrients and flavonoids like quercetin, which increases blood flow and activates a protein in the body that...
Are you putting yourself at risk?
“Risk?” Yes, patients place themselves at risk daily by lying about their medical history with their doctors. And what is a lie you ask?Definition in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary LieSyllabification: liePronunciation: /lī/ noun1. An intentionally...
What do podiatrists treat and when should you go to see yours?
We treat the legs, ankles, and feet. Here is a quick list of common problems that we want you to know so that you can get back on track to healthy toes, feet, ankles, & legs. 1. You have a wound on your leg, foot or toe that is not healed in 2 days. Wound...
Blisters and pistoning heels…
Blisters and pistoning heels...Here is a quick and simple video on how to secure your heel in your running shoes with the "lace-lock" technique. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IijQyX_YCKAHappy running.Dr. Jenneffer Pulapaka, DPM, AACFASPodiatric...
You want them for life, so check them
You want them for life, so check them Your feet!Foot Check Reminder for Your Google CalendarCheck your feet daily. Once a month set your reminder for your family or friends with diabetes or neuropathy and remind them.Check your feet every day : Look at...