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Stress Fractures
Understanding Stress Fractures in the Foot: From Diagnosis to Treatment By Dr. Jenneffer Pulapaka,...

Hey MAC, you are not an innocent bystander
Check out this 4min read on Association for the Advancement of Wound Care ! Arteriosclerosis/arteriolosclerosis is used to describe several cardiovascular diseases, including those involving the blood vessels. In this instance, the arteries become hardened, and blood...
Annual Foot Screen
What is an ANNUAL FOOT SCREEN?Your annual foot screen is a comprehensive exam in which your doctor and their team update/overhaul your chart, check your Medicare compliance, and perform simple & basic tests to the lower extremity as part of her Lower Extremity...
What is and ANKLE-BRACHIAL INDEX (ABI) Test?An ABI test is a simple, reliable test for diagnosing PAD in the legs. The test measures the blood pressure in your ankles and compares it to that in your arms, while lying down comfortably in the office chair. The ABI...
“The portions are huge…and everything is great.”
"The portions are huge...and everything is great."That was a recent review by a “hobby blogger" on their dining experience and their recommendation for others to eat at the establishment. But do we need more restaurants to be serving us "huge"...
Vinegar for a wound? White or Balsamic?
A curious question came from a patient whom I have prescribe 5% Acetic Acid solution to for an infected wound."Can't I just use balsamic vinegar?"Cleansing with topical antiseptics in infected wounds: The role of traditional antiseptics solutions (e.g. povidone...
Keep Wounds Moist or Dry?
Is it better to keep a wound moist or let it dry out in the air? There’s a lot confusion about it. In fact, the notion is still widespread that air aids in the healing process, “so you need to let wound dry out in the air”.This assumption is incorrect, as...
1404 pairs of shoes to Soles4Souls
Yesterday, Deland Foot & Leg Center collected and delivered 1404 pairs of shoes to Soles4Souls. Working together with Cress Restaurant and Buster's Bistro, two additional drop off locations, we maximized the number of shoes collected. The shoe drive...