Your annual foot screen is a comprehensive exam in which Dr. Pulapaka and her team update/overhaul your chart, check your Medicare compliance, and perform simple & basic tests to the lower extremity as part of her Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention (LEAP) program.
Who might have an ANNUAL FOOT SCREEN?
Foot Screens should be performed annually on patients with at least one of these factors:
· every diabetic patient
· every patient over 60 years old
· current or former smokers over 50 years old
· history of foot and/or leg ulcers
· history of heart attack, stroke, TIAs, PAD
· history of vascular surgery, angioplasty, open heart surgery
· neuropathy, Hansen’s disease, spinal trauma, polio, etc.
· motor loss to the legs,
· every patient over 60 years old
· current or former smokers over 50 years old
· history of foot and/or leg ulcers
· history of heart attack, stroke, TIAs, PAD
· history of vascular surgery, angioplasty, open heart surgery
· neuropathy, Hansen’s disease, spinal trauma, polio, etc.
· motor loss to the legs,
Why do it?
It is simple. Our comprehensive program follows guidelines adopted by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to dramatically reduce lower extremity amputations in individuals with a loss of sensation or other diseases that can cause a breakdown in the feet. Foot Screens also helps document qualifying criteria for medical necessity with Medicare in the treatment and maintenance of mycotic nails or callus care and diabetic shoe programs.